Sunday, April 18, 2010

Girl Scout Engineers!

LAN Systems helped sponsor a Girl Scout event yesterday at Southern Polytechnic State University introducing the girls to engineering as a career. Although the number of women in engineering is growing, the growth has been modest compared to other careers. That’s because even though girls have the smarts, if they don’t take the required math and science in high school, engineering school is a far reach. As a group, girls get less math and science training. That’s where we help.

Through programs like Girl Scout Engineers, women engineers show girls that math and science is fun and challenging. The girls always amaze us with their brilliance and their technical ability. Studies tell us that unless we reach girls by the 5th or 6th grade, they probably won’t get the courses needed in high school. That’s why the Girl Scout program is so important.

The activities included building a circuit, puff vehicle, ship-a-chip packaging and designing simple machines. The girls enjoyed making a circuit to illuminate a light bulb and were excited when they were able to “blow-up” the filament. In ship-a-chip, the girls designed packaging for a potato chip and then we dropped an atlas on it to see the survival rate. We engineers of both genders like controlled destruction!

Several teams designed and built vehicles that made it from start to finish in a single puff. The vehicles were made of paper, straws and LifeSavers. All the girls knew about simple machines because they had been studying them in their science classes. Kudos to the 5th grade science teachers.

Engineers make this world a better and safer place. Often women choose engineering because they love technology and want to help people. To see that excitement in the next generation of female engineers is rewarding beyond compare.

So encourage your daughters and sisters to explore math, science and technology. And I’ll guarantee there will be a female scientist or engineer to provide the inspiration!

Pictures at LAN Systems Facebook page.

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